Conferences & Public Speaking
I have had the honor of being a speaker, a panel moderator, a trainer, a member of task forces and of organizing committees of some forty conferences on international arbitration, on negotiation skills and on compliance,
mainly on the kind invitation of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the ICC Advanced Training Institute, the Global Arbitration Review (GAR), the World Chambers Congress, Legal Doctrine, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the International Bar Association (IBA).
The topics included:
Technology and artificial intelligence in international arbitration
Virtualization of international arbitration
Rules governing confidentiality, trade secret, conflicts of interest in international arbitration
Insights, recommendations (and tricks!) on how to conduct an arbitration process, and how to have a resilient approach to dispute resolution
International arbitration in the Arab world
The role and relevant of in-house counsel in ongoing arbitrations
The future of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms
The arbitrator as a settlement facilitator
Drafting enforceable arbitral awards (training delivered in collaboration with the ICC Advanced Training Institute)
Risk assessment in contract negotiations
Meeting stakeholders’ expectations during negotiations
Regulatory enforcement of compliance requirements
Building ethics and compliance awareness
I was member of the “ICC Arbitration and ADR Commission Report on Leveraging Technology for Fair, Effective and Efficient International Arbitration Proceedings”, was a speaker at the webinar organized by the ICC on February 18, 2022 and a have been a member of the ICC Working Group on the Report: *The Report is available here: